City Hall- (605) 269-2247 | Police- (605) 269-2550
City Hall- (605) 269-2247 | Police- (605) 269-2550
Community development through comprehensive planning, zoning, and subdivision regulations, assures that this growth is orderly, properly planned, and creates minimal impact on the City services budget. Meetings are held the 4th Wednesday each month at 5:30pm at City Hall.
Property Maintenance
The vision and purpose of the Property Maintenance Code Office is to create and sustain a community where all residential and commercial properties are maintained in a manner that protects the public health and well being, emphasizes an aesthetically pleasing city, encourages community pride, preserves neighborhood integrity, and maintains property values.
Building Inspector
The mission and vision of the Building Inspector is to enforce current building codes, laws, and zoning for new and pre-existing properties to ensure the safety and well being of the residents.
Irving Stone
Mike Day
Randy Oviatt
Dave Morgan
Shane Garry
1025 Meade Street, Whitewood, South Dakota 57793
Building Inspector Jim Smit (605) 639-9146